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CWV Modular Hyrdro-Thermal Technology (MHTT)

Clean Water Ventures has developed novel methods of exploiting the exothermic energy and co-products produced from the aluminum-water oxidation reaction. Aluminum is the best energy source for Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Systems:​







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As a Clean Energy Source:

We use aluminum, the best energy source for Combined Heat and Power (CHP) systems. With higher energy per volume than any other metal fuel at 47 MJ/L, our Core Reactor offers self-sustained and high-efficiency clean energy generation. 


Co-generation of Heat and Hydrogen:

Our Core Reactor enables the co-generation of high-quality thermal energy (steam) and pure hydrogen, maximizing energy utilization and promoting a sustainable circular recycling economy while also reducing CO2 emissions.

Promoting a Circular Economy:

By reusing aluminum scrap, our reactors promote a sustainable circular economy to help accelerate the achievement of CO2 reduction goals. This approach contributes to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future.

At CWV, we continuously invest in research and development to stay at the forefront of the industry. Our patented Core Reactor technology enables efficient production of green hydrogen, clean electricity generation, and advanced water purification processes. With our comprehensive solutions, we provide our own green energy to sustain our system thereby optimizing energy utilization, reducing environmental impact, and promoting sustainability and de-carbonization across a breadth of industries.​


Produces green hydrogen more cost effectively than electrolysis.

Produces green electricity more efficiently than solar or wind energy.

Provides power for continuous water cleaning operations.

Produces ZERO carbon emissions.

Modular Hydro-thermal Technology (MHTT)

Aluminum: best energy source for Combined Heat and Power (CHP) system.

47 MJ/L higher energy per volume: more than any other metal fuel.

Co-generation of Heat (steam) and Hydrogen.

Self-sustained and high-efficiency energy.

Aluminum scrap reuse promotes sustainable circular economy and CO2 reduction.

Exothermic energy and co-products

Advanced Water Purification Processes:

We employ cutting-edge innovative techniques to purify water with minimal environmental impact. Our advanced water purification processes guarantee the production of clean and safe water for a diverse array of applications in numerous industries.

Patented Core Reactor Technology:

Our patented reactor technology enables efficient green hydrogen production, clean thermal energy production and green electricity conversion. By leveraging this technology, we provide sustainable energy solutions that contribute to a greener future.


Off-Grid Power Generation Systems:

Our off-grid power generation systems provide reliable and sustainable energy sources. By leveraging this technology, we ensure energy independence for our clients and enable them to operate efficiently while reducing their carbon footprint.

CWV has developed novel methods of exploiting the exothermic energy and co-products produced from the aluminum-water oxidation reaction.

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